We sometimes present or commission on-site or off-site projects with artists, students and community partners. These are typically one-time events and not recurring activities like our programs.
During the 2022-2023 school year, send Moe a photo print! Moe is a fifth-grade student who has worked with KSMoCA in a variety of roles—artist, curator, lecture MC, documentarian, spokesperson, etc. Moe is also very interested in photography. As a project, KSMoCA has worked with Moe for over a year to help them research and develop a personal photography collection. See more >>
You can find our Permanent Collection displayed in various hallways, teachers lounges, windows and nooks and crannies throughout MLK Jr School. This expanding collection includes artists who have worked alongside our students and continues to grow. See more >>
Assembly is a symposium hosted by the PSU MFA Art and Social Practice Program. The 2022 version of Assembly was hosted at KSMoCA. MFA Students developed projects in collaboration with students and teachers, which were presented during the event in June 2022. See more >>
Artworks about breaking the rules of standardized education. We collected experiences-as-artworks about early educational moments that deviate from whatever you consider to be normal within your K - 8th grade curriculum. See more >>
KSMoCA Conceptual Art at Home is a series of art prompts designed for K-8th grade students (ages 4 - 14) but open for anyone to do at home. Prompts are written by artists who have worked with KSMoCA, and some of our friends. See more >>
For Freedoms is an artist-run platform for civic engagement, discourse, and direct action for artists in the United States co-founded by Hank Willis Thomas and Eric Gottesman. KSMoCA was invited to present a town hall and exhibition as part of For Freedoms in anticipation of the 2018 mid term elections. See more >>
We believe that MLK Jr. School (our MLK Jr. School) was the first school in the nation to change its name in honor of Dr. King. At the 50th anniversary celebration of the school’s name change, we created a participatory project for community members to reenact this important part of our history. See more >>
In Search of the Truth (The Truth Booth) is an installation comprised of a touring, portable, inflatable ‘Truth Booth’ . The exterior is iconically shaped like a giant cartoon speech bubble with the word ‘TRUTH’ boldly printed on the side. When people enter the booth, they are invited to record their opinions and thoughts as they finish the statement: “The truth is…”. See more >>
Kate Bingaman-Burt and Anke Schuettler met with students at Dr MLK Jr. School to portraits as a representation of our school community. Schuettler took photographs of students and Bingaman-Burt created and illustrated the names and faces of students from multiple grade levels. The artwork was installed in the windows facing the entrance of the school. See more >>
Naming Me (自己取名字) gives third-graders of the Mandarin immersion program at MLK Jr. School an opportunity to pick their own Mandarin names based on qualities they possess or aspire towards, and things they like. The project is organized by Xi Jie Ng (Salty). See more >>
That’s Old School is a guided school tour based on interviews with Steve Willis, the school’s Head Custodian who is also an alumnus of Dr. MLK Jr. School. In the guided tour, Willis describes the school as he experienced it as a child, what elements changed, and what has endured. See more >>