On Tuesday October 16, 2018, 6-8PM, we hosted a town hall and exhibition opening in the library inside of Martin Luther King Jr. School as part of For Freedoms, a national creative civic engagement platform organized by Hank Willis Thomas and Eric Gottesman. The event at KSMoCA was organized by artists Lauren Moran and Patricia Vasquez.
On Sanctuary & Safety: NO to Measure 105 is a dialogue about sanctuary and safety in Portland in the form of long table discussion. Everybody is invited to participate including children, parents, teachers, and folks from the larger Portland community. At the end of the event, we heard from Oregonians United Against Profiling on why it is important to vote "NO" on Measure 105, which would end Oregon’s status as a sanctuary state.
The exhibition was created as a result of a workshop with artists Camila Araya and Daniela del Mar of Letra Chueca Press with students from Ms. Johnson's 5th grade class. The exhibition is installed in the library at MLK Jr. School.
Related Projects: Hank Willis Thomas: The Truth Booth, Lauren Moran: Endangered Species, After Warhol (After 1983)