The PSU School of Art and Design, as part of the Art and Social Practice Program, hosts an on-site experiential learning course. Each term, undergraduate and graduate students at Portland State University for experiential learning courses taken for academic credit. Students in these classes learn about social practice, museum operations, art education, and collaboration by participating in the day-to-day workings of KSMoCA. Courses can be taken multiple times for credit.
More about this partnership can be found here.
Course Description
ART 328 - KSMOCA: MUSEUM IN A SCHOOL (4 credits)
Students meet outside of the PSU campus at Dr. MLK Jr School in NE Portland where they contribute to the operation of the King School Museum of Contemporary Art, a contemporary art museum inside a functioning K-5 public school. The students work collaboratively in teams to research the surrounding neighborhood and prepare presentations/zines about an artist exhibiting at KSMoCA. Students work as mentors with elementary students, and they help to install a museum exhibition. This course is repeatable for up to 8 credits. Course is offered in Fall, Winter and Spring terms.